Hi everyone! This week of studies was full of amazing things and I’d like to share my expressions with you!
1. My Discoveries
I learnt a LOT about geography, nature, symbols and music of some states of America. Also I discovered new facts about celebrities’ place of birth. For example, I didn’t know that Meghan Markle was born in California. Also we started to read a new book called “Don’t look behind you”. We read only 6 pages of it but the plot has already seemed interesting to me:)
2. My Achievements
I learnt so many new words this week, especially on Wednesday when we were showing presentations about states of America at our classes. Besides, I learnt 4 types of Syllables and now it is easier to me to pronounce words correctly because of knowing the new information. By the way, I watched a video of an American teenager yesterday and I wondered because I could understand her speech easily and I think it’s a big achievement:)
3. My Challenges — and the Way to Work on Them
I manage my time better now but I think I should still work on it not to have a problem with a lack of time. I need to practice some time management techniques; I’m sure they’ll help me to be more productive.
Thanks for your attention!😊