The Devil Wears Prada

5 min readMay 8, 2021


Hi, everyone! I watched a wonderful film “The Devil Wears Prada” some days ago and now I’d like to share my impressions with you.

1.Before Andy Sachs got the job at Runway, she wasn’t interested in being a fashionable person. She was wearing really casual, ordinary clothes, such as big sweaters and long skirts, which looked a bit old-fashioned for some people but Andy didn’t give a hoot about her physical appearance as she thought that it wasn’t the most important thing about a person. She didn’t care about her manners as well. It wasn’t a big problem for her if her clothes were stained and she could spend the rest of the day in them. Her hobbies were connected with journalism, but not fashion, and that’s why Miranda Priestly got surprised when Andy came to her to have an interview. As for Andy’s relationships, she was dating a guy, Nate, who didn’t have a successful career and was a usual worker. Her friends were ordinary people too but they all were really close.

2. When Andy decided to really try and do her job well, she thought that she definitely needed to change some things about her physical appearance, manners and attitude. She started wearing fashionable clothes and using accessories to look like Miranda’s ideal worker. She was choosing only brands and she even remembered their names, which was difficult for her at first.

3. Miranda Priestly was the main editor of a magazine which name was Runway. She was as hard as nails and that’s why everyone who worked for her was scared of doing something wrong. She appreciated responsible, smart people though the girls she had hired before Andy turned out to be “disappointing and stupid”. Miranda was really stylish and all her outfits looked fashionable. For instance, one of them included a long red fur coat, a purple dress, a wide brown belt, high-heeled shoes, leather gloves and round earrings. She was wearing this outfit when she came to her office in the beginning of the film.

4. Emily was Andy’s immediate supervisor. She really tried to do her best to be an ideal assistant for Miranda. Even when she was unwell, she went to work and performed all her duties because that job was really important to her. Also, she had a big dream which was to go to Paris to Fashion Week with Miranda and that’s why she had to be as a good worker as could be. However, Emily was arrogant and she was even laughing at Andy’s style when the girl started working with her because Emily was wearing fashionable clothes unlike Andy. I liked her outfit which she was wearing at the event. It included a long dark-blue scoop neck dress with sequin, a beautiful necklace, a bracelet and a dark-blue bag, which matched her dress.


1)The first Andy’s outfit wasn’t as fashionable as the others but I just wanted to describe it for a better comparison. She came for her job interview in it and that was the time when she wasn’t following trends. She was wearing a cantaloupe jacket, a purple sweater with a white button-down shirt underneath and black jeans.

2) Andy came to work in the second outfit after she had decided to change her physical appearance. Her stylish outfit included a black jacket, dark-brown leather pants, a two-colored V-neck T-shirt with sequin, a green knitted bag and a big necklace.

3) Also, I liked the outfit with a mermaid black V-neck dress, a beautiful ring and a small purse, which really became her. She was also wearing a red lipstick and it made her even more marvelous.

4) The fourth outfit impressed me because it looked really modern. Andy was wearing short black dress with white sleeves and collar, a pearl necklace and sparkling earrings. Also, she was in black high heeled shoes, which matched her dress.

5) The last outfit that I wanted to tell you about looked more formal than the others but, anyway, it became Andy. She was wearing a black V-neck sweater, a straight gray skirt, a narrow belt, black stilettos and a dark-brown bag.

6. As I watched the film, I learned some things about the fashion industry. For instance, it’s important to have knowledge about fashion if you want to work in a place, which is connected with it. There was a scene in the film where Andy was talking to Gabbana on the phone and he hung up the phone because Andy asked him how to spell his name, which meant she had no idea who he was and that’s kind of offensive for such a famous designer. So Runway could lose its client because of that.

7. To my mind, the main idea of the film is that even when we think we don’t have a choice, we have it, we just need to make the right decision for us. Andy thought that she had nothing to do but accept Miranda’s offer and go to Paris with her, which meant she would betray Emily who had always dreamt about it. But is it worth it? For someone who really wants to make a career it definitely is even if he loses his dearest and nearest because sometimes a job requires the sacrifice. However, you can choose your friends and family as you don’t want to ruin your relationships with them and you know that such choice will make you happy.

8. I also learned some things from watching this film. For instance, if you change your physical appearance, it can affect even on your inner world, which may be not accepted by your dearest and nearest. Andy wanted not to just look, but also be like her co-workers to succeed in life but her transformation made her a person, who was always thinking about the job and forgetting about the friends. They didn’t like the “new” Andy and the girl didn’t understand why because friends should support each other and not only care about themselves. It means that we should realize the fact that not all the people in our life will always respect our choices and be here to cheer us up in difficult situations so we need to rely on ourselves and do what we really want to do.

Thanks for your attention!



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