Quotes and new words from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”

2 min readNov 26, 2020


Hi everyone! Today I would like to share some quotes and new words from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” with you:)

“If you let yourself love a wild thing. You’ll end up looking at the sky.”
It is Holly’s phrase. When she says “wild thing” she means not an animal but herself. Doc Golightly falls in love with Holly when the girl is 14 years old. He takes care of her and tries to make such conditions, in which she can feel comfortable. However, Holly’s happiness can be only connected with freedom which she doesn’t have with Doc. For that reason, she runs off Doc and their children. Undoubtedly, she hurts Doc’s feelings but she doesn’t care about it because of her character. The most important thing for her is her own happiness so she is ready to do everything to reach her goals and that’s why she is kind of wild. Sometimes it’s difficult to anticipate, if a relationship with a person will bring you happiness or hurt your feelings as it depends on different things. However, I think we need to get closer with those people, who share our interests.

“Home is where you feel at home. I’m still looking.”
It’s also Holly’s phrase. It means that home is not just a place where you live permanently. It is a place where you feel safe. For that reason, Holly wants to go to another country to find home and finally become happy. It’s not right to live in an uncomfortable place just because we have to or probably it’s big and well-designed and that’s why we should choose the right place where we can be ourselves.

And here are the words and expressions that seemed beautiful and useful to me:
To condemn [kənˈdɛm] — to criticize someone or something
To despise [dɪˈspaɪz] — to hate someone or something

To take it easy [təˈteɪkɪtˈizi] — to relax

Mean reds [ˈminrɛdz]- sadness

An altercation[ˌɑltɚˈkeɪʃn] — a disagreement



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