My winter holidays

2 min readJan 10, 2021


Hello everyone! I haven’t written anything for a long time so I have a lot of things to tell you.
First of all, I want to say that my winter holidays were full of joy and fun. I spent them with my family and close relatives and that’s actually what I do every year. However, I was glad that I had enough time to chat with them because usually we all are too busy for that. I think it’s not unexpected but the beginning of my holidays was a little bit lazy but I hope that’s fine because some rest was what we all needed!:) At the same time, I realized that I still had to do something connected with English not to forget new words, grammar and other important things so I tried to spend my leisure time with use. And now I’m going to share with you activities I engaged in:
-Watching movies in English (I watched not only Christmas films, but also an action movie "Speed" that was recommended to me by my elder sister. To my surprise I liked it in spite of the fact that I was not a big fan of action movies)
-Listening to English songs of my favorite singers
- Reading books in English( I enjoyed reading "DLBY" as always:) as for "Dracula", it becomes more and more interesting to me because of its fascinating plot)
- Going for a walk (Kristy and I went to a cafe, where we had never been before. The food was really delicious so I think I will recommend this cafe to everyone! Also, it was cool to meet on holidays and tell each other interesting stories about how we spent New Year:)
- And, of course, sleeping a lot (I think I had never slept that much! But it wasn’t unexpected that I would sleep until 11 am because there were days in December when I stayed up untill 5 am!!!)

Thanks for your attention!😊



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