
May 16, 2021


Hi, everyone! Today I’d like to share with you some new words from “Dracula” and the symbols that I noticed in the book.

Perpetual — continuing for ever in the same way (вечный)

To plague — to annoy someone by doing smth (досаждать, докучать)

To prevail — to be powerful (господствовать)

Contemptuous — expressing contempt (презрительный)

As for the symbols, the first one is garlic. The book’s characters use it to keep themselves safe from Dracula as the vegetable repels vampires. It symbolizes power, which you can use to protect yourself.

The second symbol in the book is crucifix. It helps the book’s characters protect themselves from the supernatural being as well because the crucifix has sacred powers.

Thanks for your attention!



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