
Mar 29, 2021


Hi, everyone! Today I’d like to share new words and phrases from “Dracula” and ask the main character of the book some questions.

Here are my words:

To comfort smb [ˈkəmfɚt]– to make smb feel better when he or she is worried (утешать)

In earnest [ˈɚnɪst] — in a serious way (всерьез)

To shrink from smth [ʃrɪŋk] — to avoid smth (уклоняться, уходить от)

Hitherto [ˌhɪðɚˈtu] — until now (до сих пор)

I also would like to ask Professor Van Helsing some questions.
— Why did you decide to become a metaphysician and hunt supernatural beings? Probably you met a vampire or someone else in your childhood and that’s why you decided to discover more things about it?
— Also, we don’t know anything about your personal life so I wonder, if you have ever fallen in love?



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