Hello! Today I’d like to tell you about the book that I chose for Pleasure Reading.
Actually, I missed our first Pleasure Reading session because I was sick so it was difficult for me to choose a book among those ones that I don’t know anything about. However, one of the three books was “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and I heard a lot of great things about its film adaption so I thought that the book was interesting too and that’s why I chose it.
I didn’t have any prejudices about the book before starting to read it so I could make up my own mind. I think that a person don’t need to read a whole book to love it. For example, I read only a half of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” but I have already find it interesting. The book is easy-to-read because of uncomplicated plot and not a big amount of difficult words.
Undoubtedly, the book matches all my expectations. There are no boring details which are not even important. Also the stories about the characters’ past are deep, which is, of course, an advantage.
There is a quote from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” that I’d like to share with you.
“-You call your own f-f-flesh and b-b-blood stupid?
-If he is, he is.
-Well, it’s poor taste to say so. A boy that’s fighting for you and me and all of us.”
I agree with Mag Wildwood’s point of view. We should treat soldiers kindly because they are ready to sacrifice their lives to save ours.
Also I’d like to describe one event that I remember most of all. It is party’s taking over the apartment. What is so special about this? Holly Golightly shows another side of herself оn this event during the talk with the narrator about her feelings for one of the guests, Rusty Trawler, who thinks that Holly loves him. However, that’s not true and the woman is only pretending that she has feelings for Rusty. On the one hand, she is doing it because the man is rich. On the other hand, Holly is pretending because she doesn’t want to hurt Rusty’s feelings as he had a “stinking childhood”. It means that Holly is not only self-serving, but she is sencitive too.